November 2013 – The Kitchen Rag

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Although I am spending this Black Friday petting some cute goats on my friend’s farm and enjoying a delicious bowl of chili topped with lots of laughter and good conversation, I confess I did do some shopping on line. My weakness – books! Since I am such an avid reader I am always trying to find good deals on them. If you share my love for nutrition and reading you might enjoy browsing through these great ebooks (and an online class!), all more than 60% off until Monday! But before diving into the book collection, let’s talk about water. Did you know that more than 33% of all families in Cambodia don’t have access to clean water? It’s not that they don’t have running water, like when I grew up. This is far more serious. Many people must walk over three hours to retrieve water, and even then it is […]

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Recently I have been struggling with  good old eczema, which has decided to make a “flashy” return all around my mouth. It’s always such a blow to my self-esteem when it comes back, especially when it settles in right on my face :(! While in the past I have resorted to steroid creams, which caused a severe staph infection on my face four years ago, now I know better. So gluten had to go, completely, even my sour dough spelt and rye crackers. As hard as it was to give up these delicious foods, the irritated red rash on my face was even more devastating.  However, cooking gluten-free can be a challenge. Imagine how excited I was when my sister in law, Caitlin, who blogs at Grass Fed Girl, published her Paleo Mediterranean cookbook. These recipes are all gluten free and many of them are also dairy free, with easy […]

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I didn’t grow up celebrating Thanksgiving, but I have learned to really love this holiday since I made the US my second home. I love the turkey, the stuffing, the salads, the desserts, but above all I love the fellowship and the opportunity to give thanks and express gratitude for the precious people in my life.  Still, food is important and nutritious food cooked from scratch is something your body will also be thankful for during the holidays. So let’s forget store bought stuffing, cans of mushrooms soup, the bags of chips and make some real food for the holidays! Tell me you don’t want to make all of these dishes for Thanksgiving!?They are all gluten free and will turn your table into a symphony of colors. If you are having a smaller Thanksgiving or the idea of preparing a whole turkey is overwhelming , this easy to make delicious recipe for […]

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Did you know that: A) Appendicitis, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, hernias, diverticulosis, and hemorrhoids all may be caused by improper fecal elimination. B) I grew up using only an outhouse. Although you might be puzzled, both of these statements have more in common than you think. Stay with me and I will show you why. When I first came to the US, I was embarrassed that instead of a beautiful ceramic indoor toilet, we had a round hole cut in the ground, in a small wooden outhouse. What I didn’t know was that I wasn’t the only one. In the 1800’s, with the advent of indoor plumbing, the throne-like water closets – that before were reserved for royalty – became available to lay people. The fad started in Great Britain and soon the English colonies followed suit. The new indoor water closets with a sitting toilet were seen as […]

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