February 2012 – The Kitchen Rag

After I posted the gluten free recipe I received quite a bit of feedback so this is a response to the questions some of you had and a further explanation of certain items I used in the recipe. Are almond flour and almond meal the same? Technically yes, they are both made out of ground almonds, but in almond flour the almonds are blanched, while in almond meal they are not. Another difference is consistency- almond flour is more fine while the almond meal is a little coarser. Do you prefer to cook with almond flour or almond meal? I am not too picky. Some stores have one and others have another so I am just thankful when they carry at least one of them. When I can choose – even though some people swear by the almond flour – I like the almond meal. I like that it is not […]

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This recipe will please anyone. The reason I decided to make a post about it is because  these are the best muffins I or my husband have ever eaten. I have baked many muffins in my life but these ones are outstanding. Plus there is the added benefit of them being dairy free, sugar free, and gluten free. The recipe is easy to make and extremely healthy. It is a combination of a few different recipes from various paleo websites. Through trial and error we have been able to figure out one that meets our needs the most. My body doesn’t digest wheat very well and we don’t have any whole wheat or white flour in the house, so we have had to become very creative with our recipes. To my surprise there are plenty of ways to cook delicious food that doesn’t involve gluten. Almond meal has been my magic ingredient in the […]

This recipe is from the book “The  Cancer Fighting Kitchen” by Rebecca Katz. I highly recommend her book and her website especially if you have a dear one diagnosed with cancer or if you are interested in learning what foods have cancer fighting agents. Her recipes are deeply nourishing, easily digestible, and very versatile. I was very skeptical about making this particular broth, I always thought a good hearty broth ought to have some chicken or beef in it. But  this recipe took me by surprise. The sweetness of the yams, sweet potatoes, and carrots in combination with the kombu, a seaweed full of minerals and fiber, make this broth extremely delicious. In fact I prefer drinking it while I am at work rather than a regular chicken broth because it is tasty even when it gets cold. I made quite a bit of it last time and shared it with at least six different people who all […]

We just finished watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and I highly recommend it. There were a couple of things I agreed with  and then there were some things that I am completely against. Don’t read this part if you want to watch it without having any adulterated information about it. I agree that someone who weighs 400 pounds can physically do a sixty day fast as long as a doctor is checking up on them every couple of weeks. Juicing is amazing I totally agree with that. The miracle phyto-nutrients in kale, spinach, ginger, beets, and other vegetables help fight cancer, aging and inflammatory cells in our blood stream. I also agree that doing a juice fasting just for a couple of days, every few months can be a very beneficial, detoxifying experience. Hopefully during some days off! I liked all the interviews he did. However they were extremely painful to watch because most […]

The idea for this blog was born after I enrolled in a graduate program for a Masters in Science and Holistic Nutrition. I have always been interested in “real food” and wholesome ingredients but after beginning my program I realized how important it was to share the valuable information I was learning with my friends, my community and everyone else who is interested but has been intimidated by the massive amount of scattered information on nutrition. This is going to be a learning panel for both me and everyone else who chooses to read it. Something about me… my name is Diana and I am blessed with a patient husband, and an amazing community to whom this entire blog is dedicated to. You all inspire me.

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