May 2012 – The Kitchen Rag

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A trip to the Emergency Room   Our last weekend started like any other: reading books, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. The nausea began Saturday afternoon while we were enjoying a good cup of tea and an interesting conversation at J-Tea. I chose to ignore it at first and attributed it to my overly abundant fresh fruit snack. But the nausea continued, eventually followed by sharp stabbing pains in my back. While my husband was driving me home, I threw up for the third time in my life; at this point I knew something was really wrong. I decided it was probably food poisoning and began self-medicating with mineral water, Swedish bitters, and probiotics. By 9 pm I developed a 102.4 fever and chills. I took some Tylenol PM and went to bed thinking maybe I had the stomach flu. On Sunday morning I woke up feeling much better; no […]

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The first time I made this soup it was a total accident. We had some random ingredients in our fridge and I had to come up with something to feed a hungry husband.The results were so delicious that I have began since to make it regularly. It’s full of saturated fats and very hearty. Works great as leftovers, too.   Ingredients: 6-8 slices of nitrate free, organic bacon, chopped 1-large sweet onion, thinly chopped 4 -medium red or Yukon gold potatoes, finely chopped 2 cups of fresh or frozen corn About 2 quarts of homemade chicken broth, find it here 2 cups of organic, preferably raw, whole milk 1 cup of organic, preferably raw, heavy cream 1/2 cup raw cheddar, optional 2-3 tsp of Sea Salt, find it here 2-3 tsp of black crushed pepper 1 tsp turmeric Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Serving: 4 hungry people;) Disclaimer: When you begin making this soup you may add […]

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Yesterday we visited Wholesome Family Farm. This is a photo-essay dedicated to what we saw at a small dairy farm here in Oregon. I am not recommending this one, above others. I believe that everyone should visit the farms they choose to purchase the milk themselves and decide if it is up to their standard of cleanliness and quality.  For more information on other dairy farms in Oregon and the rest of US visit realmilk. We were thrilled to hear that they sell not only raw milk but butter and cream also! The dairy is only a year old and it has nine cows. Joe and his wife Cammie gave us a tour. Note: See my posts, the Problem With Milk Part I and Part II – Problem Solved, to read more about the benefits and risks of drinking raw milk. When we stepped onto their farm this delightful lady met us with […]

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There are quite an overwhelming number of probiotic supplements on the market. Pharmaceutical companies are aware of their vital importance in the human digestive and immune system. They each advertise their product as being the best, dazzling the consumer with various miraculous health claims neatly written on the labels. Choosing a good probiotic can be overwhelming and frustrating. I have poured over many labels in food stores, on line, and in various catalogs. There really isn’t a perfect one that carries every single member of the probiotic family. But we can try to purchase one that carries at least the most important bacterial strains. ( To read part I of the Probiotics series go here) Source Here is some advice, based on my own struggles to find a good probiotic to rejuvenate and heal my gut flora: 1. When you are purchasing a probiotic, go for the one that has the most […]

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